
Your good fairy on board of a GIGABus

Your stewardess cordially invites you on board. She is your personal go-to person and host during the complete duration of your stay, cares for culinary treats and serves you, if you’d like, in our GIGALounge, the restaurant in the under deck or rear part of our deluxe liners, or right by your seat. She cares for your perfect start in the day and serves a big breakfast in the morning and spoils you at lunch with a big variety of dishes, which you can choose á la carte.

In the afternoon you can enjoy a freshly baked piece of cake with your favourite coffee speciality and of course you can also enjoy fresh meals for dinner on board of our deluxe liners.

The stewardess provides you besides that also with the latest magazines and helps you any time with the setting up of our entertainment system on your personal device.

She’s also responsible for your safety on board of our deluxe liners.